Thursday, December 31, 2015

Great Tips to Stick to your New Year Resolution in 2016

Most of us make New Year resolutions but fail to stick to it. Want to stick to your New Year Resolution, this time? Check out these set of plans to follow this year. Here are our top tips on how to stick to your New Year Resolution in 2016.

Set Realistic Targets:
One of the major reason for not sticking to New Year resolutions is sometimes we set high expectations for ourselves. So is better to take baby steps. New Year challenges with resolutions are often unattainable or sometimes unrealistic. In fact they are about behaviour change and most of the time, people lack an action plan that works well for them.
Monitor Your Resolution: 
To manage something in a better way you need to monitor it. Keep track of your plan and monitor whether its in the right direction. This is called the right Strategy of Monitoring. If your goal is about weight loss then start focusing on the big goal. Take small steps and check out your progress rate. Smaller the steps, better are your chances of staying inspired to stick to your New Year Resolution.
Treat Yourself:
Treat yourself well and have fun while you continue with your New Year resolution.  Healthy treats help create positive vibes and stay focussed on your goals. Ensure your treats are healthy and avoid unhealthy food to stay fit. This is known as Strategy of Treats.
Get Some Support:
A study published in the Clinical Psychology and Journal of Consulting, shows that members who joined in a weight loss program with friends are more likely to lose weight. People remained inspired to complete this program.  Several people have lost weight, quit smoking and cut down their drinking habits through support groups. Never make New Year Resolutions just to tell your family and friends about it but aim to attain it .
Stick to your Resolution:
It doesn’t matter how much support you have around you or how much you planning you have done. Sticking to your resolution completely depends on you. Never  give up! This is the only key to succeed.

Stay Happy and stick to your New Year Resolution in 2016!

Heartina Arnold,
M.A (Economics) , MSW
Founder & Owner of

(All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form whatsoever without the express written permission of the author)

Tips to get Slimmer in 2016

Tightening your core and blasting belly fat requires just a few easy steps!  Begin in your kitchen with basic exercises and do it anywhere without any gym membership or any special equipment. Follow these eating habits and routine exercises and you’ll be amazed to know how fast you can get slimmer, toned and sculpted.

1.Eat a Breakfast rich in proteins: 
Breakfast is the most vital meal for the day. Studies suggest, eating a healthy breakfast especially rich in proteins eases hunger. Remember to begin your day with breakfast rich in proteins. Get your metabolism moving and feel energized as well as satisfied until lunch. For breakfast consider having almond butter, smoothie with greens and egg white scrambles with veggies or some fruits of your choice.
2.Use fresh herbs:
Fresh herbs such as basil, parsley and mint  add flavour to food without adding more calories. This limits your craving to add more salt (which adds to bloating) and helps cut down calories with minimal use of butter and oil.
3.Eat an afternoon snack:
Hélène Charlebois, health coach and registered dietitian says, “what derails most people’s regular diets,” is the witching hour after 4 pm, when desires set in and lead to bad choices of food. Keep hunger in check with an afternoon snack like yoghurt and berries or peanut butter with an apple. Lots of people have legitimate cravings especially during noon. They need fuel to meet their hunger pangs. In such cases,  skipping snacks can lead to overeating at the next meal.
4.Treat yourself:
“Losing weight is not about giving up all of your favourite foods,” says Nutritionist Jenny Barber. Treating yourself during dieting is not only helpful to get slim but keeps you motivated to follow a proper diet plan. Moreover, it can actually help prevent a decrease in your metabolic rate along with reduced food binges.
5.Cook yourself:
Try to prepare food yourself and get the best intake of fresh ingredients. If you don’t like cooking, don’t worry! Start slowly by eliminating one restaurant meal a week. Cooking yourself leads to lower sugar, fat and salt in your diet and can help you get slimmer.
6.Exercise to get a slim, toned and sculpted figure: 
Several exercise gurus have launched hundreds of abdominal exercises to achieve a sculpted figure. To achieve a slimmer body start connecting the dots between your body and mind. It is suggested to keep exercise simple and focus on your breath and movement. You can opt for exercises such as Plank, Cardio and Sit-ups

Get started with these simple tips at home and get a sculpted body in 2016!

Heartina Arnold,
M.A (Economics) , MSW 
Founder & Owner of

(All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced or duplicated in any form whatsoever without the express written permission of the author)